Saturday, December 20, 2008

Out of action

Am unable to blog at the moment because of problems here with phone lines. My so called "broadband" connection is such in name only!!!!

I've been told it's because it is cloudy......hmmmmm, so I guess until it gets sunny I'll be out of action.

Have a great Christmas and see you when the weather breaks!!!!


Julie said...

I would be suspicious of that reason. Be very suspicios.

You are not a Telstra customer are you? Do their tentacles spread that far? Probably ...

Take care, and have a good week with friends and what family you have gathered around you.

alicesg said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

What necessary words... super, a magnificent idea

Anonymous said...

Would like to tell to steam of words.